Wednesday, 17 June 2009

Update #2

Since my last post the production team has been working away on the project, so I thought it was time to write a little update about what we’ve been up to and how we’re doing. I wrote last time about how we’ve started to market the project online, and so far I feel this is going really well. The number of our friends/fans/followers has been growing on our social networking profiles and as well as talking to new friends we’ve also been approached by several people who have offered to directly help the production in one way or another. It feels good to be getting news of the project out there and it’s encouraging to see how people are responding. I’m hoping that the support will continue to grow throughout the film’s production process and that as well as building up our audiences we’ll make some new friends and collaborators along the way.

To help give the project some weight and credibility we’ve been asking established industry people to give us brief quotes about the project that we can use to support it. So far the ones that have come in have been fantastic, and I’ve just added them to the
website (so if you haven’t already, stop by and check them out!). We’ve also added them to the front cover of our production pack, which we have been continuing to refine. We’re now ready to start approaching potential investors with it and we feel good about the package that we’ve put together (if you might be interested in investing in the film, you can request a copy by emailing us at investment*at* In addition to getting the pack together, we have also started to make plans for exploring other methods of funding, including, amongst others, product placement and crowdfunding. I’ll be posting more details on these, especially the latter, in the coming weeks. Finally, I am off to the Edinburgh International Film Festival at the weekend and will of course be looking to make contacts and meet potential collaborators and investors while I am there (if anyone reading this is going to the festival and would like to meet up then please feel free to contact me on alex*at* Once I’m back I’ll try and post something brief on here about my experiences and I’ll probably also write a more detailed post about my trip over on my personal blog.
- Alex

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Friday, 5 June 2009


Welcome to the first proper post of our production journal. This is the place where we will be writing detailed updates about the film’s progress and what we’re doing behind the scenes. We’re hoping that, as well as being an interesting account of the film’s production, it will also be a place where we can share information with other independent filmmakers about what to do, and what not to do, when making a micro-budget feature film.

Right now we’re in the very early stages of getting the film off the ground. What that means practically is that we’re getting the budget into shape, working on the schedule, and thinking about what and who we need in order to pull this thing off. We’ve also been working on a production pack which we can give to investors, and trying to market the film through the internet. It might seem like it’s a little early to market it, but we believe it’s a good time to be getting the word out there, as it means that people can follow the film right through the production process – and hopefully once the film’s done, all of you people following our progress will be interested in seeing the thing!

The other big thing that we’ve been working on is putting the team together. As some of you might know, we put out a call for cinematographers and editors. We had an overwhelming response, not only in terms of numbers, but also in terms of quality. Choosing people for these positions proved to be a long and hard decision, but we feel confident that we made the right choices in the end: Bartlomiej Sienkiewicz and Murat Kebir respectively. We also found someone to handle location sound and audio post production: Jason Creasey. Again, we’re very pleased with our decision. You can find biographies of all of our team, and links to relevant websites, over at

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